Building a new roof, choose Standing Seam Metal Roof

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Are you looking forward to building a new home or wish to give your present house a makeover? Well, don’t you want to add beauty and functionality to your home? Convincingly, a standing seam metal roof easily fits the bill.

Just team elegance and beauty with great efficiency and energy-saving and you will see a standing seam roof as the best option for you. It will last for years and possibly be the last roof you will install on your house.

Standing seam metal roofs are increasingly popular in residential properties. For a major part, these roofs are maintenance-free and last three times more than an asphalt shingle roof.

Metal roofs provide contractors more variety than tile roofs and they can be installed anywhere around the country irrespective of the climate in the area. A metal roof is known to yield better results than a tile roof in harsh environments like storms or harsh winters. It can keep your home warmer in the cold season and cooler in the hot season because of reflectivity and emissivity.

So, yes standing seam metal roofs are ecological and they lower energy costs to a great extent. You will not be replacing them for 60 years or more. And, if you want to install solar panels on your home, then they are definitely the best option for you.

Along with it, a standing seam metal roof comes with unlimited options of designs and colors. They are available in unique styles and endless color options. So, they will give a beautiful finish to your home and add to its resale value too.

Know about standing seam metal roof in detail

Standing seam metal roofing systems include panels running in a standing position from roof ridges to downpours. The seams can come in heights of 1” to 2”. The panels are interlocked at the seams. The roof is attached to the seam with the help of clips. However, the spacing of the clips is important. Usually, two basic locking methods are used for it: – click-lock system and mechanical lock system.


What makes the standing seam roof the best amongst the class is that it is long-lasting, tough against extreme weather conditions, and simple to maintain. In fact, with minimal upkeep, it can last up to 60-80 years. The roof is fully recyclable, light in weight, and fire-resistant. It doesn’t warp, crack or withers with consistent temperature changes. They also help you meet your cooling requirements in summers and keep the home warm during winters.


You can get the panels cut on-site or order pre-cut in the factory, available in different colors, material options, and thicknesses. The different material options they are available in are zinc, copper and aluminum. If you want longevity, choose zinc, or copper roofs. If you want corrosion resistant roofs, then go for aluminum roofs and contact aluminium suppliers Melbourne today.

When looking for a quality standing seam roof, look no further than AMT Roofing. As a trusted company, they will help you make the most of your investment and get the best metal roofs.


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