How to Choose a Composite Decking Contractor

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So, you have decided that you want to install a composite deck. However, hiring a composite decking contractor like Deckorum, takes serious consideration.

Unless you know a great deal about composite decking, you will have to trust the contractor fully to perform the task in the best way. You can always learn something to test the contractor’s proficiency though.

Since there are so many types of composite decking, you should first decide which kind you would want. You should then come up with an idea of what you want the deck to be like.

Once you do, you should take your time when choosing a composite decking contractor. The following tips should help you make a good choice:

Get Reviews from Previous Customers

The best way to choose a composite decking contractor is to observe their previous work. Unlike in other professions, with composite decking the work pretty much speaks for itself.

The first place most people look is online and you will get great reviews on the internet. However, there is no substitute for reviewing their work in person.

You should get as many addresses as you can where the contractor has built composite decks. Evaluate each one in detail to find their strengths and their faults.

Ask About Experience

Composite decking is a relatively recent development in the decking industry. You want a contractor with significant experience in specifically building composite decks.

Though a contractor may be vastly experienced in other forms of decking, they may know little about composite decking. It will make a significant difference in the quality of work, trust me.

You need to ask and receive evidence of how long the contractor has been working with composite decking. At least six years’ experience should suffice if the contractor meets the other criteria.

They Should Have Valid Licenses

Many decking contractors get their start working for other contractors so it is difficult to ascertain their proficiency on paper. There is also no standard course as far as composite decking is concerned.

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Therefore, the one way you can judge a contractor on paper is to ensure they have valid licenses to perform the job. They should have recent licenses duly earned from the city’s building authorities.

There has been a wave of fake composite decking contractors in the past with loud claims about their work quality only to deliver poor results. If you don’t want to be among these sorry clients and waste a lot of money, ensure you conduct your due diligence.

Check the Warranty

Like with many other products, you should always check the warranty. It is particularly vital to check the warranty of a composite deck contract as it is very difficult as well as costly to make repairs.

Each warranty is different so just because you read the warranty of a former client does not mean that yours will be the same. You should take as much time as you need to go over yours.

The warranty is your insurance in case anything goes wrong. It will give you peace of mind knowing that you are well covered. Choose a composite decking contractor with whose warranty terms you agree.


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