Selling Your House In Winter: Top 5 Tips to Ensure a Speedy Sale

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Selling Your House

Ever wondered if your house could sell as easily in winter as it does in spring? Well, the answer is it is possible, however, there are many more obstacles and disadvantages during the colder months which may require you to act and put more effort into preparing your home for the sale.

It is generally considered that in wintertime it is highly unfavorable to put a property on the market unless you live in a place where it’s always sunny and warm. Unfortunately, the UK is not lucky enough to have such weather conditions which is why home sellers are less likely to put their houses up for sale during the cold period of the year, normally between the months of November and February. However, there are still advantages to selling in winter, but you may have to work a bit harder to achieve your goal. In order to be prepared for everything, you must familirise yourself with the pros and cons of selling during this period so that you could act later on overcoming any difficulties connected to your sale. You could do that with the help of our property expert tips from the quick house sale

Advantages to Selling in Winter

·         Less Competition

Competition during peak periods tends to be fierce and especially in spring whichis considered to be the best time to sell, with March as the most favorable month. This well-known fact though pushes many people to wait until this time and many sellers end up listing during it and hence making the competition difficult. However, if you choose not to wait around and have your house ready to be put on the market, you could take advantage of the limited sellers during wintertime.

·         Serious Potential Buyers

When it comes to buying a property in the colder months, potential buyers don’t like to waste time especially that during this period most people don’t like to go around viewing properties so the few that do tend to be very serious about making an offer on your house. If they are willing to take time off during the festivities, during the colder months to travel and view your home, then even if the quantity of the viewings is low, the quality will certainly be better.

·         Higher Chance of Achieving Asking Price

When competition is low and buyers are more serious about their intent to buy, you are more likely to achieve your asking price. The lack of options could persuade potential buyers to open up their wallets more and price renegotiation could benefit the sellers. However, on the other side potential buyers could argue that there won’t be anyone willing to buy your property at this time of year but it’s important to remember that the quality of the few people who have attended a viewing is much higher than at other, busier times of the year.

Disadvantages to Selling in Winter

·         Bad Curb Appeal

First impressions are very important and the curb appeal of a house contributes massively to how potential buyers perceive a house. When the weather is warm and sunny, the landscape and overall state of the front and back yard is certainly going to be much nicer and welcoming than the same one during winter. The grass isn’t necessarily green, the trees are not bushy and leafy and there is mud everywhere. That could make a bad first impression to the few viewers you may get during this period of time.

·         Difficult to Schedule Viewings

Weather conditions can often disrupt the scheduling and attendance of house viewings because people get stuck in traffic due to bad weather, cannot make their appointments due to public transport strikes and etc. There are normally delays due to this as well, making it difficult to not only schedule but also attend any house viewings.

·         Fewer Offers

With less potential buyers, the likelihood of a bidding war is very low. Sometimes high demand properties have a healthy and competitive bidding wars between potential buyers which helps in achieving a higher asking price so without the competition, you may be pushed to settle for a lower price if you or your estate agent don’t play your cards right.

Top Tips for Speedy Sale in Winter

1.    Home Staging

Staging a home in order to attract buyers more easily is a skill many don’t have naturally, and it is more than just cleaning and tidying up a place. It’s about creating a flow path around your home which potential buyers would be prompted to follow and it could help navigate the buyers towards more attractive areas while also avoiding others less aesthetically pleasing.

2.    Improve Curb Appeal

As already mentioned, curb appeal is something which is a definite disadvantage when it comes to selling a property in winter. However, just because it’s understandable that there will be mud and the grass won’t be as green as in spring does not mean that you should neglect the garden and should not make the effort to create an appealing winter curb appeal. There are seasonal things you could use to your advantage, for example, you could create a winter wonderland in your backyard.

3.    Make It Seasonal

Creating an environment that is inviting and appropriate for the season is vital. And you are in luck because winter is an amazing time to create an ambiance that is cozy and warm, having the ability to make everyone feel comfortable. If you have viewings before or just after Christmas time, having festive decorations could be a massive advantage for winning over potential buyers.

4.    Bake Something That Smells Nice

Aromas play a big part in the viewing process and can break it or make it. Many people are not massive fans of strong smells which is why you should be careful when choosing the right scent. In order to trick the system, you could try baking something which is highly favourable and can attract more people with its smell.

5.    Take Care of Winter Maintenance Tasks

Even though winter is not the best time to do any large renovations around your house, you could still keep it well maintained and tick any small upgrades and DIY tasks off your to do list. An example could be sealing any window air leaks, upgrading doorknobs and kitchen hardware as well as adding insulation. Completing these tasks will make your home appear much more appealing to potential buyers who often see a house in winter in its true colours.


Having said that, it’s safe to say that whenever you choose to put your property on the market, there will be benefits and drawbacks to selling based on the time period and attractiveness of the market. It’s important to consult with your estate agent and make sure you have done everything in your power to aid the quick and successful sale of your house the best you can.

This article was written by a quick house sale company We buy any home, in any condition so if you’re wondering “how can sell my house fast, head over to our website for more property related information and enquiries.


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